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Thank you for giving to Kingdom Endeavor
Your prayers and financial giving help us to bring the Gospel to the nations. We could not do what God is calling us to do if it were not for faithful supporters like you. We invite you to join our team not just financially, but also in prayer. Prayer is powerful, and we also could not do what we do without your faithful prayers.

We are so thankful to partner with
Made to Give Ministries as our financial support partner.
Made To Give Ministries is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization,
which means that your giving is tax-deductible.
As an alternative method of supporting us, you may send a check to
1725 County Road 118, Carthage, MO 64836
You can make this check out to Made To Give Ministries
and use "Sam and Gabrielle Missions" as the MEMO.
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